Sunday, August 7, 2011

Stormy Weather Whimsy

Singing in the Rain


The past few days on the East Coast have been nothing short of a steam bath, with temperature in the 90's and humidity at the saturation point. Waves of rainstorms have done little to relieve the heat, but instead have managed to pump up the humidity even more, just when you thought it could not get any more humid. It's the kind of weather that makes most adults rush into the home for shelter, yet I couldn't help but notice a couple of neighborhood children just having a ball in the middle of a torrential downpour, soaked to the bone, and laughing as they belly flopped in makeshift puddles the size of small ponds.

There is nothing like experiencing the world through children's eyes to lift the mood. We could all use a bit more whimsy in our lives. So inspired, and with no real plan in mind, I thought I'd rustle up a few Youtube links in honor of this stormy weather just for fun and to lighten my own mood.

First up is Billie Holiday cooing her way through Stormy Weather. I just love the way she phrases the lyrics musically. (I know, I know, this was a Lena Horne standard... sue me!)


Ah, now that you're all relaxed, I thought I'd liven it up a bit with a song and dance number from the 1943 Classic of a movie titled (what else?) Stormy Weather. This clip starts off with Cab Calloway and Orchestra singing Jumpin' Jive, and early into the number introduces the Nicholas Brothers in what might arguably be one of the single best dance performances ever captured on film - all in a single take to boot! The Stairway Jump Splits in the finale are breathtaking. I know I would have lost my breath, as well as my manhood and consciousness, if I ever tried a stunt like that - OUCH!!!


I need to relax after watching that! Let's keep with the theme and pick another from the Billie Holiday songbook as a way to wrap up this blog entry. Here she is, Lady Day singing Stormy Blues.


Storming or not, I hope you enjoyed your day.
