Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gaaaa!!!! I am NOT a sock puppet!

OK, I feel the need to rant just a bit, and since absolutely no one is following this Blog, it's a safe place to scream without being noticed! I've joined BlogSpot in order to follow and comment on other blogs I enjoy reading, some public and some private. All this was set up of course with my older e-mail account. Apparently, Google will not be satisfied until I migrate over to their platform which links to their e-mail account.

I've avoided the migration, thinking it would be confusing to those I follow, but I have had difficulties logging on to my older account. This always happens whenever the folks in our MIS department are inclined to enhance our productivity by tweaking the system, forcing us to spend several days of lost work sorting through the wonderful productivity enhancements that are supposed to save us time. I think I might shoot the next technogeek who starts off saying, "it would be really cool if..." But I digress.

So... Google tells me the migration will be a snap! They must have hired the same folks who work for us. All I wanted was an account to follow others' blogs. Oh no - I need to have a blog of my own! So here I am with my very first entry that no one will see, venting about being forced to decide really important stuff, like what kind of template shall I use to signal my thoughts to the world that is not listening.

But what is the point of all this? Oh yes, to all my friends who have Blogs that I'm following, if you see my account twice as a follower, I hope you don't think I'm a sock puppet setting up all these alternate identities. See, I'm still crazy, but I want to be a classy crazy.

I'm thinking that Google may have made a mistake, letting me blog about random thoughts that swirl around in my mind. I wonder how long before they force me to "migrate" elsewhere...

Thanks for letting me vent. I promise not to bite - that hard at least.