Friday, May 6, 2011

Morning Trails - Springtime at Lakefront

I am fortunate to live in an area that has hundreds of miles of dedicated walking trails and a marvelous lake and wildlife preserve a few miles from my home. I enjoy an early morning walk or run on these trails, and when I have extra time and the weather is nice, I make my way to the lake, camera in hand. I've been snapping photos of the lake for almost a decade now, and the fascination and beauty of the place never fades. If you have a few moments, join me and see why I consider this waking part of my day to be so special. I'll try not to bore you too much with commentary - the images tend to speak well for themselves.

A Blue Heron searching about for breakfast.

Sunrise making its presence known.

A young buck and his companion enjoying a morning drink. Personally, I prefer a nice strong cup of coffee.

Sometimes, all you really need to do is look upward for inspiration...

A favorite spot for me to reflect, and to journal those random thoughts that occasionally make their way to this blog.

Last year's grasses yielding to this year's new growth.

Full sunlight bathing the lake's easternmost end.

Here we have a family of Expatriate Canadian Geese who have declared their preference for permanent residency in Maryland.

This pesky Egret was dodging me for quite some time before finally staring me down, probably wondering what the heck I was doing poking around his environs.

It is said that some men spend their time sitting in Church and dream about fishing, while other men spend their time fishing and dream about God. I believe this shot helps me understand the spirit of that saying.

As I made my way home, walking through the trails and eventually emerging to the streets leading to my home, I couldn't help but notice the frenzied pace of cars whirring past me as people scurry about in their daily lives, completely oblivious to all that beauty lying just beneath the veneer of a world they are unconsciously rushing through.



Tidewaterbound said...

Oh those pix are so lovely and your words take me right along on your walk. Wish I had been there!!


Phil said...

Thank you for the kind words Tide. I'm always struck by how beautiful the world around us really is, if people would just slow down enough in order to take the time to notice.

Anonymous said...

Nice Pix!
Thanks for sharing

Phil said...

I'm glad you like the pics DWC. Thanks for stopping by. Always nice to have you for company.